Preparing Your Heating and Cooling System for Winter: Essential Maintenance Tips - Ernst Heating & Cooling

Preparing Your Heating and Cooling System for Winter: Essential Maintenance Tips

Winter will be here in just a few short months. Is your heating and cooling system ready for a seasonal onslaught of spiraling temperatures and icy precipitation? With more than 70 years of experience in the South Metro, Illinois, area, Ernst Heating & Cooling knows a few things about winter prep. A few timely tasks this month can mean a winter of warmth and comfort.

Schedule a heating system tune-up

A lot has happened since you shut off the heat last spring. Dust can settle on the unit, and parts that have laid dormant may have developed issues that don’t show up until you turn up the heat in the winter. During a regular heating system tune-up, the Ernst Heating & Cooling professional technicians can thoroughly clean and inspect your system. If any wires are loose or connections are broken, we’ll find them and fix them before you’re facing a breakdown and a potentially costly repair bill. Nobody wants to be left in the cold due to a heating system failure.

Change your air filter

Your heating and cooling system’s air filter worked hard all summer to trap the pollens, dust, dirt and other debris that wanted to make its way inside. However, the dirtier the filter, the harder the system is going to have to work to keep the air moving. Give your system a head start with a fresh air filter, and remember to change it regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Seal air leaks around your home

During our cold Midwest winters, there can be a 70-degree difference or more between the outside temperatures and our indoor climate. Any opening compromises our comfort as the cold air sneaks inside and the heat seeps through the cracks. Take advantage of the warmer fall weather to check your home and identify any loose seals around doors and windows. Use durable weatherstripping or caulk to keep your home protected from winter’s icy fingers.

Make sure your home is properly insulated

Once you’ve sealed any potential leaks, turn your attention to your insulation. Proper insulation adds energy efficiency and can pay you back in lower heating and cooling bills. Ernst Heating & Cooling can help you understand your insulation needs and how good insulation can relate to better heating and cooling performance.

Doublecheck your thermostat

The 72°F setting in the summer may have felt comfortably cool, but a 72°F furnace settling can be positively stifling. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, including humidity levels, wind chill, and psychological factors. Consider adjusting your thermostat settings to a cooler temperature during the winter, when you’ll be wearing warm sweaters and snuggling under the blankets. If you’re still relying on an old-school thermostat, look into a new smart thermostat, which can give you precision temperature control and potential energy savings. Some smart thermostats can even learn your family’s schedule and adjust the temperature as necessary.

Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas that contributes to up to 500 deaths each year in the United States. Fuel-burning systems like boilers, furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, and gas and wood stoves can produce carbon monoxide as a byproduct of combustion. That’s one of the many reasons why we encourage regular inspection and maintenance. Carbon monoxide detectors typically have a lifespan of about six years. Test your home’s carbon monoxide detectors and make sure you have fresh batteries. These easy steps can literally save your life this winter. Your home is your haven, especially during those cold winter months when you think real hard before venturing outdoors. Ernst Heating & Cooling will make sure you’ll have warmth and comfort throughout the season. Did you forget to schedule a fall heating system tune-up? It’s not too late. Call us now at 618.217.1836 or fill out our convenient online form to request an appointment. Stay happy and cozy this winter with Ernst Heating & Cooling.

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