Common Heating and Cooling Issues as the Seasons Change - Ernst Heating & Cooling

Common Heating and Cooling Issues as the Seasons Change

Welcome September, a time of transition for the Metro East, Illinois, area. As the seasons change, many homeowners may be dealing with cooling AND heating issues at home. During the fall months, your friends at Ernst Heating & Cooling are called for many typical issues that can arise when outdoor temperatures are switching from sizzling heat to frigid cold. Let’s look at what heating and cooling issues can show up during the season of change.

Dirty air filters

Your cooling system’s air filter is the first line of defense against the pollen, irritants, dust and debris that come in with the outside air. But over time, these air filters can become dirty or clogged, which forces your system to work harder. In a worst-case scenario, it can even lead to a breakdown. Change your air filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Has it been a while? Start the fall with a fresh replacement.

A malfunctioning thermostat

Your thermostat setting has served you well all summer, keeping the home cool and dry. But when you try to switch the settings or schedule to adjust to the cooler temps and busier days, you discover that it’s not working as well as it should. The changing seasons are a perfect time to replace the batteries in your thermostat. This simple step can keep you comfortable throughout the changing seasons. If you’re still having thermostat problems, let Ernst Heating & Cooling check it out. You want a reliable thermostat during the cold winter months.

Dirty evaporator coils

As air blows over your AC unit’s evaporator coils,  they can amass a collection of dust, pollen, and other contaminants. This grimy coating affects your cooling system’s ability to keep your home comfortable. It also can become a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. Give your AC coils a thorough cleaning before you shut off the cooling system for the season, so you’ll start fresh next spring. Better yet, reach out to Ernst for a professional tune-up, and we’ll do the dirty work for you!

You may have problems running the AC and heating system on the same day

Sometimes you may need to run your AC and heating system on the same day, or else you’re dealing with daytime stuffiness and nighttime chills. While it’s OK to alternate between the systems, make sure you’re not switching too quickly between hot and cold. Build in about 10 minutes between the A/C and heat cycle to prevent short-cycling, which can cause your compressor to lock up.

A fall tune-up can save you time and headaches

Just as your car needs regular maintenance to keep running, your heating and cooling system can benefit from regular cleaning and inspection. Investing in a fall tune-up can pay you back with lower energy bills and peace of mind that you’ve done everything you can to keep your home comfortable and your family safe this winter. Are you ready to make your fall tune-up appointment? Call Ernst Heating & Cooling now at 618.217.1836 to schedule an appointment, or fill out our convenient online form to schedule this important service call. Ernst Heating & Cooling is here for you as the seasons change and Old Man Winter comes back in play for a few months.

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