As we have gotten better at insulating homes to keep cool and warm air inside the house, we also have locked in some unwanted visitors. We live with pets, pet hair and pet dander. We try to keep our Metro-East homes clean with cleaners and aerosols that get into our air. Pollen and pollutants hitch rides inside on our clothing. Filters on our heating and air systems catch some of these things but not all of them.
Filtering is not the same as air purification. There are air purification systems that remove the large particles (dust, pollen, mold spores), as well as the small ones (viruses and bacteria). Filters with high ratings can help remove these as well but they do nothing to destroy odors and chemical vapors. These continue to circulate through our ducts and our inside air.
Virtually all pollutants and contaminants need to be removed in order to have purified indoor air. Quality air purification systems utilize UV (ultraviolet) light to destroy bacteria, viruses and odors. Some air purifiers have additional phases that can remove harmful gases from indoor air.
There are portable air purifiers that can be moved from room to room. These work well, but only in the room they occupy. They must be moved to other rooms or other units added to work effectively. Whole-house purifiers, in most cases, can be attached to existing ducts and equipment to eliminate contaminants. These use the ducts from all areas of the home to destroy dust, allergens, odors and gases.
Air purification is a quality step above just using filters. Determining what specific indoor air quality concerns you have should be a major factor in choosing the air purifier that’s right for your home and family. If members suffer from respiratory irritations at home, that can be an indication of poor air.
If you have questions about your indoor air, contact us at Ernst Heating and Cooling. We will help you determine the best option for your home. Call us with any questions about keeping your air healthy and clean, or any other home comfort concerns.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Ernst Heating & Cooling services Hamel, Illinois and the surrounding areas.